Salamander - Tiger

Scientific Name: Ambystoma tigrinum

Wed, 22nd January, 2025 - 4:57 pm GMT

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Alternative Name

Scientific Name: Ambystoma tigrinum

Basic Info

Tiger Salamanders typically grow to a length of 9 inches, but they have been known to reach lengths of 13 inches, making them the one of the largest terrestrial salamanders. The Tiger Salamander has yellow, tan, or olive green spots, blotches, or bands on the back and sides of its dark, stocky body. The belly of the Tiger Salamander is often tan or olive in color. The pattern on their skin can often tell you what location the salamander has actually come from. They have small eyes sitting on top of a broad head. They have tubercles on the soles of their feet and 11 to 14 costal grooves. Males are generally longer than females and they also have shorter tails. During the breeding season, you will be able to make definite assessments between males and females, because the males vent will swell up. Larvae are tan, olive, or yellow in color with dark blotches that come in pairs on their backs and a stripe on each side of their body. The larva's belly is whitish in color. As they develop, Tiger Salamander larvae become green or gray in color and then begin to develop yellow and tan spots, which eventually develop into a pattern like that of their adult counterparts.


Tiger salamanders can be fed insects and newborn mice in captivity. They should be kept in a terrarium that has both a land and water area. They should be supplied with substrate that will allow them to burrow. It is important not to house them will small fish and other smaller animals that they may view as food sources, unless you want these smaller animals to be used for food. Breeding When a male Tiger Salamander comes across a female Tiger Salamander at night he will nudge her away in the attempt to isolate her from contact with other males. The male will walk under the female's chin and she will then nudge his tail and vent area stimulating the release of spermataphore. The female then moves her body so that the spermatophore touches her vent. One or two days after insemination, the female will lay her eggs on decaying matter at the bottom of the water. The masses contain about 100 eggs and a female can lay anywhere between 100 to 1000 of them in a breeding season. When the larvae hatch, they will feed on aquatic invertebrates and vertebrates. The juvenile form of the tiger salamander is aquatic and is sometimes called a "water dog". The average Tiger Salamander will live between 15 and 20 years.


Tiger Salamanders inhabit woodland areas, orchards, forests, pastures, prairies, and cultivated fields in these areas. They can even be found in urban areas, if they are near an adequate water supply that they can use during breeding season. They live und


If you are looking for a unique looking Salamander as a pet, perhaps you should consider the Tiger Salamander. The Tiger Salamander can make a very good pet and if they are cared for properly, can live for quite some time. They are carnivorous, so they should not be placed in enclosures with other animals that are smaller than them. Generally they will eat anything that they can fit in their mouths, so it is important not to house them with any other lizards that they could eat. In addition they may display territorial behavior towards other salamanders. They are terrestrial and they can be held, though not for extended periods. If you do hold them, be sure to wash your hands both before and after handling. They are a hardy salamander, but they will require the right diet and habitat to survive.


North America and Mexico


The Tiger Salamander can be found throughout North America from Alaska to Labrador and all the way to the Mexican Plateau. The Tiger Salamander (ambystoma tigrinum) is further seperated into several sub-species. Arizona Tiger Salamander (ambystoma tigrinum nebulosum), Barred Tiger Salamander (ambystoma tigrinum mavortium), Blotched Tiger Salamander (ambystoma tigrinum melanostictum), Eastern Tiger Salamander (ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum), Gray Tiger Salamander (ambystoma tigrinum diaboli), Sonoran Tiger Salamander (ambystoma tigrinum stebbinsi), and the California Tiger Salamander (ambystoma californiense) which is now recognized as its own species.

Common Foods

feeds primarily on insects, earthworms, small rodents, small animals.

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