Alternative Name
Painted Glass Fish, Indian Glassfish, Glass Perch
Scientific Name: Chanda ranga
Basic Info
Glassfish get their name from their translucent body. Their body resembles glass in the sense that you can see their bones and internal organs. Some Glassfish have been injected with dye, which severely weakens the animal, if not killing it. Died Glassfish should be avoided at all cost. Healthy males will develop blue coloring on the edge of their anal and dorsal fins, while females will have a slight yellow tone to their body. At Maturity, Glassfish will reach a size of two to three inches.
Glassfish are a relatively hardy fish. They should be kept in hard, brackish water, with a pH between seven and eight. Glassfish should be in water with a temperature range between 75 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. They can be kept in non-brackish water too, but they generally do not thrive unless they are in brackish water.
Glassfish prefer live foods to flake foods. Some Glassfish refuse flake food of any kind. Good live foods may include brine shrimp, wingless fruit flies, bloodworms, glass worms and tubifex worms. They may also eat some frozen and freeze dried foods as well. They should be given at least two types of live food daily in addition to some water plants to eat. They need to be in groups of five or more and the minimum tank size for five is a 20-gallon standard tank. If you want to use a tall or hex tank you should choose a larger tank since these may not provide enough horizontal swimming space or surface area for air exchange.
To encourage breeding, Glassfish should be in water with a warm temperature of 84 degrees. Sunlight also encourages them to breed. Glassfish need heavy vegetation to hide their fry in. Once spawned, they parents should be removed from the tank, as they might eat the fry.
Fresh water fish
The Glassfish are a popular and exotic species. They are hardy, and make good fish for beginning aquarists. They are also popular among experienced aquarists as well.
Glassfish are a peaceful fish and will fit well into most brackish communities. They have been known, however, to get territorial towards other aggressive fish. If kept in groups, Glassfish will school with each other. They like to stick to the bottom of the tank. Glassfish should be kept in large aquariums with heavy vegetation and rocks. They should have plenty of space to swim however, as the Glassfish is quite active.
Asia and Australia
Glass fish are originally from the salty waters of southern Asia and Australia. There are now strictly freshwater Glassfish, due to cross breeding. Their scientific name is Chanda ranga.
Common Foods