Alternative Name
Scientific Name: Carassius auratus
Basic Info
Black Oranda Goldfish are most easily recognized by their dark color and interesting head growth, which is called a "wen". It is interesting to note that Black Orandas are born without a wen. Rather it develops as they mature. The actual size of the head growth will vary between individuals. Generally speaking it is a warty type of texture that can grow so large that it is difficult to see the eyes. Head growth takes one to two years to fully develop. To ensure good head growth make sure that fish receive proper nutrition. The average size of an adult Black Oranda in an aquarium is 8 inches, though individuals kept in ponds are often much larger. Oranda Goldfish have long fins, including a dorsal fin. They have veiltail type tails and double caudal fins. The caudal fins are divided down about 90 percent of their length. Black Oranda Goldfish can have caudal fins that are about one and a half times the length of their bodies. The pelvic and pectoral fins are usually rounded and of medium length. They are well matched in size and appearance.
The Black Oranda does best when kept in a tank that is at least 30 gallons. This fish is also kept in ponds, though Orandas generally do not do as well in ponds as some other types of Goldfish. Water temperatures should be maintained between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit with the ph kept between 6.5 and 7.5.
The Black Oranda is an omnivore and should be fed a varied diet. Their diet can include formulated foods as well as live food and plants. Formulated Goldfish flakes or pellets will often provide all of the necessary nutrition. It is important to note that too much protein is not good for this species.
Fresh water fish
Fancy Goldfish have been favored by hobbyists worldwide and the Oranda Goldfish is one of the most popular types of goldfish around the world. The Oranda Goldfish comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns. The Black Oranda is one of several different varieties of Oranda Goldfish.
Black Oranda Goldfish are peaceful fish and do well with other fish of similar temperament. Examples of good tankmates include other Comet Goldfish, other Fancy Goldfish, and Plecostamus which are algae eaters.
Goldfish are members of the carp family and are native to Asia.
Common Foods