The Harris Hawk is a brown or black bird, 18 to 23 inches tall, with a white rump. These hawks are classed as broadwings, and their wingspans average three and half to four and a half feet! Generally, the shoulders and thighs are a chestnut brown col
The Red Tailed Hawk is quite large; it is the second largest Buteo (with Ferruginous hawks being the largest). The mature Red Tailed Hawk will weigh between two and four pounds and measure an average of 22 inches in length. They have an impressive wi
A mature Sharp Shinned Hawk is usually between ten to 14 inches in length (25 to 36 centimeters) and has a 21 to 22 inch (54 to 56 centimeters) wingspan. As with most hawks, females are larger than males. These lovely birds are predominantly bluish g
The American Kestrel is a very small falcon, one of the smallest of the common falcons. At maturity, they will generally weigh only four ounces and measure nine to twelve inches in length. The only smaller Falcon is the Seychelles Kestrel, which is f
By maturity, most European Kestrels are between 13 and 15 inches (33 to 39 centimeters) in length. Females are often slightly larger than males. The wingspan usually reaches about 26 inches (70 centimeters). Both sexes have brownish plumage and relat
Except for Antarctica, every continent on the globe is home to Ospreys who either nest or migrate there. They have declined due to habitat loss, hunting, human egg collecting, and chemical pesticide residue in their prey.
Barn Owls are lovely, and have been called Delicate Owls, White Owls, or Monkey-Faced Owls because of their appearance. The white face is a heart-shaped disc, serving as a satellite to direct all sound to asymmetrically placed ears. This allows Barn