By maturity, Burrowing Owls are usually eight inches (24 centimeters) in length with a 22 inch wingspan. These owls have short tails and long legs that allow them to run and walk with swiftness and ease. Usually, Burrowing Owls are brown and are spot
The European Eagle Owl is the largest owl in Europe. These raptors are about 27 inches (69 centimeters) long and males are smaller than females. Females can weigh about nine pounds (between 2,280 and 4,200 grams), though males usually weigh just over
These Owls are the largest species of Owl in North America, measuring 18 to 25 inches. They got the name "Great Horned" Owl from the two tufts of feathers on either side of their heads. The eyes are typically yellow, although before two weeks of age,
Male Snowy Owls are pure white, and weigh about one and three quarters kilograms. Females have white faces, necks, feet and breasts, but otherwise are covered in brown or black bars. They weigh about two kilograms. Snowy Owls measure 20 to 24 inches
Secretary Birds are usually three feet tall and weigh between seven and a half and nine pounds. Their wingspans can comprise six and a half feet. Male Secretary Birds are smaller than females. Their peach colored legs are also very long and are heavi
The Bearded Vulture generally grows to about one point one meters and weighs from five to seven kilograms. The wingspan is usually two point eight meters. The body of the Bearded Vulture is yellow with an orange or whitish underside, depending on the