The Egyptian Vulture has a thin beak compared to other Vultures. Its face is a surprisingly bright yellow, with a black-and-white body measuring from 58 to 66 centimeters. Tails of Egyptian Vultures are wedge-shaped and the wings have black tips.
Without a doubt, the King Vulture is the most colorful bird in the vulture group. Its basic color is creamy, with its wings and tail being black, and its legs and feet gray. It has no feathers on its head or face to keep the blood of their prey from
Mature Turkey Vultures are generally around 27 inches in length and may exhibit a wingspan of up to six feet! In flight, they soar with their wings in a V or dihedral shape. They are generally black or dark brown in color, and adults have red heads t
The Dominique Chicken is well known for its rose colored comb. It has black and white barred plumage, and wattles that are bright red on the head and face. They have a heavy plumage, which has been used for down in feather beds and pillows. These chi
Mallard Ducks usually weigh around two and a half pounds (just over a kilogram), and measures about 25 inches (between 50 and 62 centimeters) in length. Females are less striking in appearance than males. They have brown beaks, and their feathers are
The Pekin Duck embodies what the classic white duck should look like. The average mature Pekin Ducks weighs between 8 and 9 pounds, though larger show varieties have been developed. Their plumage is white and they have orange bills, legs and feet. So
Brown African Geese are heavy geese, with males weighing between nine and 13 kilograms or about 20 pounds and females weighing eight to 11 kilograms or about 18 pounds. They are quite thick set and have large dewlaps. Brown African Geese have black b