The Pineapple Swordtails get their name from the shape of their tail fin. The lower part of the Pineapple Swordtail's tail fin is elongated, and has the appearance of a sword. Pineapple Swordtails have yellow and silver colored bodies, with red highl
The Red Wag Swordtails get their name from the shape of their tail fin. The lower part of the Red Wag Swordtail's tail fin is elongated, and has the appearance of a sword. Red Wag Swordtails have dark, black rays in their fins and black lips, with go
Black Neon Tetras are small, reaching a maximum size of one and a half inches at maturity. They are black, with a red pseudo-neon strip down the middle of their body, which is where they get their name. A male Black Neon Tetra will be a little smalle
When it reaches maturity, the Black Phantom Tetra will be about two inches long. Females can be distinguished by the red pectoral and anal fins. A male Black Phantom Tetra will have smoky gray pectoral and anal fins.
Black Skirt Tetras usually reach a length of between two and two and a quarter inches at maturity. As they grow, Black Skirt Tetras lighten in color from darker blacks to more gray shades. It should be noted that in addition to age there are other fa
Bleeding Heart Tetras usually reach lengths between one and two inches (two and a half and five and a half centimeters). Some develop long, flowing fins. The dorsal fins of males are typically black. All Bleeding Heart Tetras are silvery in color, wi
The Bloodfin Tetra will grow to a size of one and three-quarters to two inches. Male Bloodfins can be identified by the small hook located on the anal fin. They live to an average age of 10 years.