The Home's Hingeback Tortoise is distinguished from other Hingeback Tortoises by its shell, which is quite angular and comes to an abrupt end at the back. The Home's Hingeback Tortoise's shell is brown and its head is a lighter shade. The name "Hinge
Growing up to slightly over 12 inches (30.5 cm), but rarely exceeding 11 inches (28cm) in carapace length, the Impressed Tortoise is a moderately sized tortoise. They have a somewhat flattened appearance when compared to the Asian Brown Tortoise, a c
The African Leopard Tortoise can grow to lengths of nearly 28 inches, though lengths of about 18 inches are much more common.They can weigh up to 100 pounds, although most Leopard Tortoises do not exceed 50 pounds. The Leopard Tortoise's top shell, o
The fourth largest tortoise found in the world today, the South African Leopard Tortoise can reach up to 23 inches in carapace length. Male South African Leopard Tortoises usually get larger than females. The Leopard Tortoise's shell is usually marke
The largest known European Tortoise, the average Marginated Tortoise reaches about 14 inches in carapace length. As with many tortoises, the female is larger than the male. They have serrated marginals at the rear of the carapace. The Marginated Tort
It has been reported that in the case of juvenile Pancake Tortoises the plastron, roughly the center, acts as a diaphragm and can be pushed out from the body. In other words, the width of the tortoise does actually expand for juveniles, allowing them
The Radiated Tortoise has a high-domed carapace, which is brilliantly marked. Its name comes from the striking yellow lines that radiate from the center of each dark plate on the shell. This tortoise's pattern is much more detailed and intricate than