Python - Burmese

Scientific Name: Python moluris bivittatus

Fri, 14th March, 2025 - 3:24 pm GMT

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Scientific Name: Python moluris bivittatus

Basic Info

An immensely large snake, the Burmese Python averages around 16 feet in length. It should be noted that females can, and often do grow even larger than this. Males are smaller and usually average between 9 and 13 feet in length. Some specimens have been recorded at lengths of up to twenty-five feet. The Burmese Python has a vibrant pattern, mostly in shades of brown and gold. The patches are usually outlined in a lighter color. The background color of the body is usually gray, yellowish-brown, and tan. Like many Pythons, the Burmese Python has two small spurs near its tail that are the remains of prehistoric legs. Burmese Pythons are quite popular as pets. At least, they are popular until they grow to eight or ten feet long, at which point many owners abandon them to veterinarians or animal shelters.


Large adult Burmese Pythons will require large food items that may be expensive and difficult to procure year round. Though some people feed their pythons chickens, this is not recommended because of the risk of spreading salmonella to the snake. Like other snakes it may be better to feed in a different enclosure than the one they live in to prevent the snake from associating you with food and biting you. Burmese Pythons are prone to Inclusion Body Disease. It is a fatal disease and all new Pythons should be carefully examined for the disease before introducing it to other animals. Burmese Pythons grow very quickly and a full-grown Burmese Python requires a huge amount of room. Many people convert large walk-in closets into Python homes. Burmese Pythons are capable of producing a huge amount of feces and urine and the enclosure should be cleaned often. The Python should be provided with a place to hide such as a log or upside-down cardboard box. Larger snakes will likely require hand-built enclosures. The Burmese Python should always have access to a large water dish to drink from and soak in. They tend to defecate in their water, so it may need to be cleaned often. The Burmese Python should be kept at a temperature of about 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, and between 75 and 80 degrees at night. They should also have a daytime basking area of around 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Breeding Female Burmese Pythons will lay a clutch of between 8 and 100 eggs, about three months after she mates with a male. She coils her body around the eggs and incubates them for between two and three months, keeping them warm with muscular contractions. The muscle contractions keep the eggs a few degrees above the ambient temperature. Hatchling Burmese Pythons suffer a great deal from predators, when young. However, they grow very quickly and the surviving babies quickly reach the size where few animals are a threat.




The Burmese Python is one of the largest snakes alive today. Though they can be docile animals, especially if handled often from a young age, the Burmese Python can also be quite aggressive and very dangerous. There are a large number of homeless Burmese Pythons in the United States because people do not realize the responsibility of keeping a giant Python. Ownership of a Burmese Python is not something to be entered into lightly.Because of the very flexible jaw of the Burmese Python, they can swallow things several times the size of their head. Burmese Pythons find their prey using their excellent sense of smell along with the heat sensors along their upper lips. When handled from a young age, the Burmese Python can be quite tolerant of handling. Burmese Pythons must be handled regularly, even as they grow quite large, to remain tame. When handling a Burmese Python, especially a larger one, more than one person should be present. Burmese Pythons are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. They spend most of the day basking in the sun.




The Burmese Python can be found on Asia and surrounding islands. They are semi-aquatic, meaning they spend quite a lot of their time in water.

Common Foods

The Burmese Python feeds on birds, reptiles, frogs, fish, and mammals in the wild.

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