Alternative Name
Electric Yellow Labidochromis, Yellow Labidochromis
Scientific Name: Labidochromis caeruleus
Basic Info
The Electric Yellow gets its name from its beautiful yellow coloring. Some Electric Yellows may be white to light blue in color, but yellow is the most common form. Electric Yellows have lines that run along their bodies, the lines are more prominent in lighter colored fish. They have black dorsal fins, and the front of the ventral fin is also black. Their anal fins have a black border, but the interior is blue. Males can sometimes be distinguished from females by the presence of brilliant orange spots near the end of the anal fin. Males may also have horizontal black markings on their eyes, which are not present in females. The average mature Electric Yellow will reach ten centimeters in length.
The Electric Yellow comes from naturally clean waters, so water should be kept clean in the aquarium. Overfeeding can cause water conditions to be poor, in addition to possibly making the fish unhealthy by being overweight.
Tank temperatures should be maintained at approximately 78 degrees Fahrenheit, with pH levels ranging from 7.5 to 8.5.
Electric Yellow Cichlids are reported to breed fairly easily in captivity. To initiate spawning it is recommended that water levels be dropped during a water change. It has been reported that the will usually breed about two days after a water change. During this time the males, which are larger than the females, are quite aggressive and constantly chase all other fish in an attempt to corner a selected female and induce her into breeding. This fish is a maternal mouth brooder (the female keeps the eggs in her mouth). You should remove the female and place her in her own tank (ten gallons will usually suffice) so the male won't harass her during this time. After approximately 15 days, she will spit out the fry. The fry can accept baby brine shrimp, and they grow quickly. The parents usually ignore the fry, so they can be released into the community tank if one isn't worried about losses. It has been reported that males may also help carry the eggs before hatching, but this has not been verified.
Fresh water fish- They seem to prefer shallow rocky areas within their native habitat.
The Electric Yellow Cichlid is a striking cichlid.
The Electric Yellow is an average to small sized African Cichlid. They tend to swim in the middle and lower ranges of the tank, and will often swim in tight groups. They are not as aggressive as many other cichlids and some hobbyists have reported that they may do well in community tanks, provided that the other fish are large enough that the Electric Yellow will not consider them a good food source. Others report that like other cichlids, the Electric Yellow will be aggressive to docile community fish and are a poor choice for any community tank. Generally they will do best in an African Cichlid tank with fish of similar size. They are reported to do quite well with Blues. Males may fight occasionally, and if you keep them in groups, there should be at least two, and preferably more, females; this prevents the males from picking to heavily on one female. If fighting is seen regularly, it may be a good idea to re-arrange tank decorations. This has been reported to decrease fighting. Electric Yellow Cichlids are easy to care for and are fairly hardy, making them popular among fish lovers of all degrees of experience. They are particularly good for a beginner's first cichlid tank because they are not overly aggressive. They are reported to be active and unafraid of their keepers; some are even known to eat from their owner's hands. They do well in tanks with lots of hiding places and they should also have secured plants and rocks. They may eat live plants, so imitation plants may be preferred. This fish will also dig in the tank so make sure that you chose a landscape that is flexible in design. These fish are fast swimmers, and this can become a problem when breeding if the females have to be removed. Some hobbyists suggest moving tank decorations to make netting easier - thereby reducing stress on the fish.
The Electric Yellow originates in Africa, specifically in Lake Malawi.
Common Foods
The Electric Yellow Cichlid does well on a diet of commercial cichlid pellets, in addition to freeze-dried and live foods. Some favored foods include beef heart, bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, frozen plankton, glass worms, and snails. They also enjoy