Parakeet - Plum headed

Plum Head Parakeet, Plum-headed Parakeet, Plum Headed Parrot Scientific Name: Psittacula cyanocephala

Wed, 12th March, 2025 - 1:10 am GMT

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Alternative Name

Plum Head Parakeet, Plum-headed Parakeet, Plum Headed Parrot Scientific Name: Psittacula cyanocephala

Basic Info

The Plum Headed Parakeet is the smallest species within its genus 'Psittacula'. Adults measure an average 13 inches (33 centimeters). This species is sexually dimorphic, meaning that males can be distinguished from females visually. The male has a striking plum colored head, for which it was named. The female's head is grey. The male also has dark red spots on his wings, and the female lacks these. Lastly, the male has an orange-yellow bill, while the female's bill is light yellow. Many of these differences, however, cannot be seen until they reach sexual maturity at 2 to 3 years of age. Immatures can be distinguished from adults because they have green heads, shorter tails, and lighter colored bills. As they mature they begin to closely resemble the females. In captivity there are also some color mutations such as the Lutino. The male Lutino has yellow plumage throughout and a red head with white borders. The Lutino is a very attractive bird. The cause of this mutation appears to be a sex-linked gene. Other color mutations include the Greygreen, Cinnamon, Fallow, Yellow, Blue and Pied. All of the color mutations are genetic, though some are autosomal, whereas others are sex-linked; and some may be dominant, while others are recessive.


The Plum Headed Parakeet is reported to be susceptible to cold and wet conditions. This should be kept in mind before placing them in an outdoor aviary. Breeding The Plum Headed Parakeet is bred regularly in captivity. It should be noted that females may sometimes be aggressive to males during breeding season. They will breed one clutch a year. Breeding season will typically begin in April, yielding an average clutch size of 5 eggs. The incubation period is variable, lasting from 19 to 20 days. They will fledge within 6 to 7 weeks, and are entirely independent 14 days thereafter.




The Plum Headed Parakeet is one of only three parakeet species that is widespread throughout India. The others are the Alexandrine Parakeet and the Indian Ringneck Parakeet. The Plum Headed Parakeet is widely considered to be one of the most beautiful birds within its genus. This may account for the fact that it has been seen in captivity since at least 397 B.C. The Plum Headed Parakeet makes an excellent pet. These are intelligent birds, and many learn to talk. Some may learn several phrases. They are not as good at talking as some of the larger parrots, such as the African Grey, but many will learn at least a few words. They may be shy when they initially enter your home, but with time, patience, and regular handling they should become tame quite easily. They should continue to be handled frequently to ensure that tameness continues. They should also be well socialized to other people so that they feel comfortable around others. They are generally considered quiet when compared to some other parrots and they emit a pretty melodic call when they are perched. They can however make some shrill noises when flying in an aviary and when alarmed. These birds tend to be more active when kept in an aviary and may become apathetic, if they are kept in a small cage. They generally do well in aviaries with other birds, though some have been reported to act assertive to larger birds in the aviary. They should be given toys and things to chew, though they are not hard chewers like some of the other Asiatic Parakeets. Most Plum Headed Parrots will enjoy being close to you, even sitting on your shoulder so that they can give you kisses, however, they generally do not enjoy being pet.




The Plum Headed Parakeet is native to India and Pakistan, and is also seen on Rameswaram Island. Its natural habit seems to be open woodlands. It is also seen in some more populated regions such as the gardens of Delhi. Though the Plum Headed Parakeet may not be among the most popular pet parakeets, it has a long history. A Plum Headed Parakeet was described in court of Artaxerxes II in ancient Greece by the physician Ctesias. In his description he made note of the Plum Headed Parakeet's talking ability. This description was recorded in 397 B.C. in Ctesia's book, 'Indica.'

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